Source code for pdfje.draw

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Literal, Sequence, final

from .atoms import LiteralStr, Real
from .common import (
from .page import Drawing
from .resources import Resources
from .style import Span, Style, StyledMixin, StyleFull, StyleLike
from .typeset.layout import Line as _TextLineBase
from .typeset.layout import render_text
from .typeset.parse import into_words
from .typeset.state import Command, Passage, State, max_lead, splitlines
from .typeset.words import WordLike, render_kerned

__all__ = [

[docs] @final @add_slots @dataclass(frozen=True, init=False) class Line(Drawing): """A :class:`Drawing` of a straight line segment. Parameters ---------- start The start point of the line. Can be parsed from a 2-tuple. end The end point of the line. Can be parsed from a 2-tuple. stroke: RGB | str | None The color -- can be parsed from a hex string (e.g. ``#ff0000``) """ start: XY end: XY stroke: RGB | None def __init__( self, start: XY | tuple[float, float], end: XY | tuple[float, float], stroke: RGB | HexColor | None = RGB(0, 0, 0), ) -> None: setattr_frozen(self, "start", XY.parse(start)) setattr_frozen(self, "end", XY.parse(end)) setattr_frozen(self, "stroke", stroke and RGB.parse(stroke)) def render(self, _: Resources, __: StyleFull, /) -> Streamable: yield b"%g %g m %g %g l " % (*self.start, *self.end) yield from _finish(None, self.stroke, False)
[docs] @final @add_slots @dataclass(frozen=True, init=False) class Rect(Drawing): """A :class:`Drawing` of a rectangle. Parameters ---------- origin The bottom left corner of the rectangle. Can be parsed from a 2-tuple. width The width of the rectangle. height The height of the rectangle. fill: RGB | str | None The fill color -- can be parsed from a hex string (e.g. ``#ff0000``) stroke: RGB | str | None The stroke color -- can be parsed from a hex string (e.g. ``#ff0000``) """ origin: XY width: Pt height: Pt fill: RGB | None stroke: RGB | None def __init__( self, origin: XY | tuple[float, float], width: Pt, height: Pt, fill: RGB | HexColor | None = None, stroke: RGB | HexColor | None = RGB(0, 0, 0), ) -> None: setattr_frozen(self, "origin", XY.parse(origin)) setattr_frozen(self, "width", width) setattr_frozen(self, "height", height) setattr_frozen(self, "fill", fill and RGB.parse(fill)) setattr_frozen(self, "stroke", stroke and RGB.parse(stroke)) def render(self, _: Resources, __: StyleFull, /) -> Streamable: yield b"%g %g %g %g re " % (*self.origin, self.width, self.height) yield from _finish(self.fill, self.stroke, False)
[docs] @final @add_slots @dataclass(frozen=True, init=False) class Ellipse(Drawing): """A :class:`Drawing` of an ellipse. Parameters ---------- center The center of the ellipse. Can be parsed from a 2-tuple. width The width of the ellipse. height The height of the ellipse. fill: RGB | str | None The fill color -- can be parsed from a hex string (e.g. ``#ff0000``) stroke: RGB | str | None The stroke color -- can be parsed from a hex string (e.g. ``#ff0000``) """ center: XY width: Pt height: Pt fill: RGB | None stroke: RGB | None def __init__( self, center: XY | tuple[float, float], width: Pt, height: Pt, fill: RGB | HexColor | None = None, stroke: RGB | HexColor | None = RGB(0, 0, 0), ) -> None: setattr_frozen(self, "center", XY.parse(center)) setattr_frozen(self, "width", width) setattr_frozen(self, "height", height) setattr_frozen(self, "fill", fill and RGB.parse(fill)) setattr_frozen(self, "stroke", stroke and RGB.parse(stroke)) def render(self, _: Resources, __: StyleFull, /) -> Streamable: return _ellipse(, self.width, self.height, self.fill, self.stroke )
[docs] @final @add_slots @dataclass(frozen=True, init=False) class Circle(Drawing): """A :class:`Drawing` of a circle. Parameters ---------- center The center of the circle. Can be parsed from a 2-tuple. radius The radius of the circle. fill: RGB | str | None The fill color -- can be parsed from a hex string (e.g. ``#ff0000``) stroke: RGB | str | None The stroke color -- can be parsed from a hex string (e.g. ``#ff0000``) """ center: XY radius: Pt fill: RGB | None stroke: RGB | None def __init__( self, center: XY | tuple[float, float], radius: Pt, fill: RGB | HexColor | None = None, stroke: RGB | HexColor | None = RGB(0, 0, 0), ) -> None: setattr_frozen(self, "center", XY.parse(center)) setattr_frozen(self, "radius", radius) setattr_frozen(self, "fill", fill and RGB.parse(fill)) setattr_frozen(self, "stroke", stroke and RGB.parse(stroke)) def render(self, _: Resources, __: StyleFull, /) -> Streamable: width = self.radius * 2 return _ellipse(, width, width, self.fill, self.stroke)
def _finish(fill: RGB | None, stroke: RGB | None, close: bool) -> Streamable: if fill and stroke: yield b"%g %g %g rg %g %g %g RG " % (*fill, *stroke) yield b"b\n" if close else b"B\n" elif fill: yield b"%g %g %g rg f\n" % fill.astuple() elif stroke: yield b"%g %g %g RG " % stroke.astuple() yield b"s\n" if close else b"S\n" else: yield b"n\n" # based on def _ellipse( center: XY, w: Pt, h: Pt, fill: RGB | None, stroke: RGB | None ) -> Streamable: x, y = center - (w / 2, h / 2) kappa = 0.5522848 ox = (w / 2) * kappa oy = (h / 2) * kappa xe = x + w ye = y + h xm = x + w / 2 ym = y + h / 2 yield b"%g %g m " % (x, ym) yield b"%g %g %g %g %g %g c " % ( x, ym - oy, xm - ox, y, xm, y, ) yield b"%g %g %g %g %g %g c " % ( xm + ox, y, xe, ym - oy, xe, ym, ) yield b"%g %g %g %g %g %g c " % ( xe, ym + oy, xm + ox, ye, xm, ye, ) yield b"%g %g %g %g %g %g c " % ( xm - ox, ye, x, ym + oy, x, ym, ) yield from _finish(fill, stroke, False)
[docs] @final @add_slots @dataclass(frozen=True, init=False) class Polyline(Drawing): """A :class:`Drawing` of a polyline. Parameters ---------- points The points of the polyline. Can be parsed from a 2-tuple. close Whether to close the polyline. fill: RGB | str | None The fill color -- can be parsed from a hex string (e.g. ``#ff0000``) stroke: RGB | str | None The stroke color -- can be parsed from a hex string (e.g. ``#ff0000``) """ points: Iterable[XY | tuple[float, float]] close: bool = False fill: RGB | None = None stroke: RGB | None = RGB(0, 0, 0) def __init__( self, points: Iterable[XY | tuple[float, float]], close: bool = False, fill: RGB | HexColor | None = None, stroke: RGB | HexColor | None = RGB(0, 0, 0), ) -> None: setattr_frozen(self, "points", points) setattr_frozen(self, "close", close) setattr_frozen(self, "fill", fill and RGB.parse(fill)) setattr_frozen(self, "stroke", stroke and RGB.parse(stroke)) def render(self, _: Resources, __: StyleFull, /) -> Streamable: it = iter(self.points) try: yield b"%g %g m " % next(it) except StopIteration: return yield from map(pipe(tuple, b"%g %g l ".__mod__), it) yield from _finish(self.fill, self.stroke, self.close)
[docs] @final @add_slots @dataclass(frozen=True, init=False) class Text(Drawing, StyledMixin): """A :class:`Drawing` of text at the given location (not wrapped) Parameters ---------- loc The location of the text. Can be parsed from a 2-tuple. content: str | Span | ~typing.Sequence[str | Span] The text to render. Can be a string, or a nested :class:`~pdfje.Span`. style The style to apply to the text. align The horizontal alignment of the text. """ loc: XY content: Sequence[str | Span] style: Style align: Align def __init__( self, loc: XY | tuple[float, float], content: str | Span | Sequence[str | Span], style: StyleLike = Style.EMPTY, align: Align | Literal["left", "center", "right"] = Align.LEFT, ) -> None: if isinstance(content, (str, Span)): content = [content] setattr_frozen(self, "loc", XY.parse(loc)) setattr_frozen(self, "content", content) setattr_frozen(self, "style", Style.parse(style)) setattr_frozen(self, "align", Align.parse(align)) # FUTURE: a more elegant way to do this if self.align is Align.JUSTIFY: raise NotImplementedError( "Justified alignment not implemented for explicitly " "positioned text." ) def render(self, r: Resources, s: StyleFull, /) -> Streamable: state = s.as_state(r) passages = list(self.flatten(r, s)) return render_text( self.loc, state, 0, list(into_lines(splitlines(passages), state)), max_lead(passages, state), self.align, )
@add_slots @dataclass(frozen=True) class _TextLine(_TextLineBase): cmd: Command words: tuple[WordLike, ...] width: Pt def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bytes]: yield from self.cmd content: Iterable[Real | LiteralStr] = () for w in self.words: content = yield from w.encode_into_line(content) yield from render_kerned(content) def into_lines( split: Iterable[Iterable[Passage]], state: State ) -> Iterator[_TextLine]: for s in split: cmd, [*words] = into_words(s, state) yield _TextLine(cmd, tuple(words), sum(w.width for w in words)) try: state = words[-1].state except IndexError: pass # empty line -- no change to state