Source code for pdfje.layout.paragraph

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from itertools import tee
from typing import (

from ..common import XY, Align, Pt, add_slots, advance, prepend, setattr_frozen
from ..resources import Resources
from import Span, Style, StyledMixin, StyleFull, StyleLike
from ..typeset import firstfit, optimum
from ..typeset.layout import ShapedText
from ..typeset.parse import into_words
from ..typeset.state import Passage, State, max_lead, splitlines
from ..typeset.words import WordLike, indent_first
from .common import Block, ColumnFill

[docs] @add_slots @dataclass(frozen=True) class LinebreakParams: """Parameters for tweaking the optimum-fit algorithm. Parameters ---------- tolerance The tolerance for the stretch of each line. If no feasible solution is found, the tolerance is increased until there is. Increase the tolerance if you want to avoid hyphenation at the cost of more stretching and longer runtime. hyphen_penalty The penalty for hyphenating a word. If increasing this value does not result in fewer hyphens, try increasing the tolerance. consecutive_hyphen_penalty The penalty for placing hyphens on consecutive lines. If increasing this value does not appear to work, try increasing the tolerance. fitness_diff_penalty The penalty for very tight and very loose lines following each other. """ tolerance: float = 1 hyphen_penalty: float = 1000 consecutive_hyphen_penalty: float = 1000 fitness_diff_penalty: float = 1000 DEFAULT: ClassVar["LinebreakParams"]
LinebreakParams.DEFAULT = LinebreakParams()
[docs] @final @add_slots @dataclass(frozen=True, init=False) class Paragraph(Block, StyledMixin): """A :class:`Block` that renders a paragraph of text. Parameters ---------- content The text to render. Can be a string, or a nested :class:`~pdfje.Span`. style The style to render the text with. See :ref:`tutorial<style>` for more details. align: Align | ``"left"`` | ``"center"`` | ``"right"`` | ``"justify"`` The horizontal alignment of the text. indent The amount of space to indent the first line of the paragraph. avoid_orphans Whether to avoid orphans (single lines before or after a page or column break). optimal Whether to use the optimal paragraph layout algorithm. If set to ``False`` or ``None``, a faster but less optimal algorithm is used. To customize the algorithm parameters, pass an :class:`~pdfje.layout.LinebreakParams` object. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from pdfje.layout import Paragraph from import Style Paragraph( "This is a paragraph of text.", style="#003311", align="center", ) Paragraph( [ "It can also be ", Span("styled", "#00ff00"), " in multiple ", Span("ways", Style(size=14, italic=True)), ".", ], style=times_roman, optimal=False, ) """ content: Sequence[str | Span] style: Style align: Align indent: Pt avoid_orphans: bool optimal: LinebreakParams | None def __init__( self, content: str | Span | Sequence[str | Span], style: StyleLike = Style.EMPTY, align: ( Align | Literal["left", "center", "right", "justify"] ) = Align.LEFT, indent: Pt = 0, avoid_orphans: bool = True, optimal: LinebreakParams | bool | None = True, ): if isinstance(content, (str, Span)): content = [content] setattr_frozen(self, "content", content) setattr_frozen(self, "style", Style.parse(style)) setattr_frozen(self, "align", Align.parse(align)) setattr_frozen(self, "indent", indent) setattr_frozen(self, "avoid_orphans", avoid_orphans) if isinstance(optimal, bool): optimal = LinebreakParams.DEFAULT if optimal else None setattr_frozen(self, "optimal", optimal) def into_columns( self, res: Resources, style: StyleFull, cs: Iterator[ColumnFill] ) -> Iterator[ColumnFill]: style |= state = style.as_state(res) passages = list(self.flatten(res, style)) lead = max_lead(passages, state) col = next(cs) for para in splitlines(passages): cs, _branch = tee(prepend(col, cs)) [*filled, col], state = _fill_paragraph( iter(para), _branch, state, self.indent, lead, self.align, self.avoid_orphans, shape=cast( Shaper, ( (partial(optimum.shape, params=self.optimal)) if self.optimal else firstfit.shape ), ), ) advance(cs, len(filled) + 1) yield from filled yield col
class Shaper(Protocol): def __call__( self, ws: Iterator[WordLike], columns: Iterator[XY], allow_empty: bool, lead: Pt, avoid_orphans: bool, align: Align, ) -> Iterator[ShapedText]: ... def _fill_paragraph( txt: Iterator[Passage], cs: Iterator[ColumnFill], state: State, indent: Pt, lead: Pt, align: Align, avoid_orphans: bool, shape: Shaper, ) -> tuple[Iterable[ColumnFill], State]: done: list[ColumnFill] = [] col = next(cs) allow_empty = bool(col.blocks) cmd, words = into_words(txt, state) state = cmd.apply(state) cs, _branch = tee(prepend(col, cs)) for chunk, col in zip( # pragma: no branch shape( indent_first(words, indent), (XY(, c.height_free) for c in _branch), allow_empty=allow_empty, lead=lead, align=align, avoid_orphans=avoid_orphans, ), cs, ): done.append(col.add(chunk)) state = chunk.end_state() or state return done, state